Thursday, October 2, 2008

Which colour should I pick for my car?

In the end it all comes down to personal preference when picking the choice of colour for your car, since if you don't like the look of your car, how are you going to tolerate it for the next several years?

There are two things to consider however when picking your car colour and that's resale value and safety.

Firstly with resale value I decided to have a look on data about popular Australian car colours. Unfortunately I couldn't find any definitive study (although a safety article I read indicated that silver then white then black were Australia's top 3 colours) however I did find a DuPont study done in 2006. Overall it seems that silver, black, white, grey, red and blue always tend to be popular choices for car colour and consequently will offer the best resale values.

By region (unfortunately Australia isn't included), this is how it tallied up for 2006:

North America

1. Silver (19%)
2. White (16%)
3. Grey (13%)
4. Black (13%)
5. Blue (11%)

South America

1. Silver (26%)
2. Black (20%)
3. Grey (14%)
4. White (11%)
5. Red (10%)


1. Silver (28%)
2. Black (24%)
3. Grey (16%)
4. Blue (13%)
5. Red (6%)


1. Silver (24%)
2. Black (19%)
3. Blue (17%) <--- So blue is pretty popular in China
4. White (16%)
5. Red (9%)

South Korea

1. Silver (21%)
2. Black (20%)
3. Grey (19%)
4. White (18%)
5. Blue (9%)


1. Silver (27%)
2. White (24%)
3. Black (16%)
4. Grey (12%)
5. Blue (10%)

It's a safe bet to say that overall, silver is a pretty popular colour, however it's not necessarily the safest colour (as this Monash study shows). White is apparently the safest colour and black cars are more likely to crash (this is probably because it's hard to see them at night). So if you want a safe car and make sure people see you, stick to white.

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